The Procedure
People who live on a particular street will name it. To provide structure to the process, we are using the following procedure:
- Although less than a third of our streets have official names, there are many that have traditional or commonly used names. To determine which streets are applicable, our first task is to canvas neighborhood residents, speak with knowledgeable residents, and tour with senior público drivers.
- Based upon the results of the survey, our advisory committee will make recommendations for possible themes and/or actual street names. Our public commitment is that all names proposed by the group of project advisors will be within the context of Vieques’ ecology, history, culture, and traditions; and we will encourage residents of every street to do the same.
- Volunteers will visit the residents of the neighborhoods to solicit feedback on the suggestions and obtain recommendations on names and themes.
- Responses will be collected verbally (with appropriate social distancing and masks) and/or written questionnaires may be left at each house to be completed. Responses can be texted, emailed, or physically deposited in drop boxes nearby.
- Staff will compile the results and create a ranked choice ballot with all of the names suggested for each street and deliver one per house.
- Again, responses will be collected verbally, texted, physically deposited in drop boxes nearby, and images can be emailed.
- Winning names will be submitted to the municipality for approval.
- Upon final approval, all will be notified of their full street addresses. Maps will be updated and uploaded to online services, and street signs will be ordered. With the aid of the Department of Public Works, volunteers will install the sign posts in a concrete footing and attach the signs.
The Guidelines
Names suggested should be made in the following context:
- Our community is unique, and names should be related to who we are, where we are, and where we come from;
- Shorter names are better than longer ones (How often are you required to write it in a small space?) – 19 characters (including spaces) is the limit for a 36” sign;
- Exceptions to naming within a vote winning theme is the choice of those living on a specific street;
- Longer streets traversing through multiple neighborhoods should have a single, agreed upon name, unless there are obvious transition points or strong opposing feelings among the street residents;
- No offensive, political, or otherwise controversial names will be accepted; and
- Naming is a democratic process – a 51% majority of the residents on a street rule.
The Option of Naming Themes
The use of themes in the naming of streets is common throughout the world, the US, and Puerto Rico. Even in Vieques, 49 out of the 85 officially named streets are part of four unique themes. The practice gives a unifying identity to neighborhoods, and on a larger scale, to metropolitan cities. When the themes are logical and well known, address locations are predictable and navigation much easier.
The variety of options for themes is nearly infinite. While not required, the following lists examples of topics for themes for the purpose of stimulating conversation and imagination in selecting a theme – if your neighborhood is in favor of the concept:

- Historically Significant People from Vieques
- PR Song Titles
- PR Recording Artists
- PR Screen Artists
- Latin American Countries
- Caribbean Islands
- Local Fish
- Local Fruits
- Local Vegetables
- Local Sea Creatures
- Popular PR Dances
- PR MLB Players
- Taino Words: all beginning with the same letter – different neighborhoods using different first letters
- Prominent Mountains of the World
You Can Help!
Assistance has already been received (and continues) from several sources:
- The Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) organization is providing partial funding for data collection, mapping, and street sign procurement.
- FEMA supports our initiative and has shared information that reviews previous similar efforts in other countries.
- The PRADWG (Puerto Rico Address Data Working Group), iCasaPR, and the FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) also support these projects and have been critical sources of direction for our efforts.
There are several ways for you and others to become involved in the process:
Volunteer. Help us collect information and guide the naming process:
- ViequesLove can use volunteers to help collect information across the island through door-to-door surveys.
- Each neighborhood benefits from having local representatives to assist in determining historical names, selecting themes, generating consensus for new names, facilitating communication, and hosting a portable drop box. If you are interested in becoming a neighborhood liaison, or can recommend someone else, please let us know.
Donate. There are about 220 streets to name, approximately 100 additional standalone poles at cross streets, and another 100 add-on signs on remaining poles at cross streets:
- $125 purchases and installs a complete street sign;
- $50 purchases the add-on sign and bracket; and
- $10 purchases numbers for a single house.
- Use email to provide your suggestions, questions, and input into the naming of your neighborhood theme and your street.
- Welcome the ViequesLove volunteers and staffers that come to your house to collect information and give them your choices for themes and names.

Contact Info
info@viequesnombrasuscalles.com carmen@viequesnombrasuscalles.com xavier@viequesnombrasuscalles.com
Cell Phone for short texts & Voice Mail: 603-709-4097